Age Of Ascension Store Championships. Keyforge is entering a new phase of competitive play, and these local Store Championships will be your first chance to show off your deeper skill at deck and board evaluation in Keyforge! In addition to some cool swag, Æmbershards will be awarded in greater quantity for these events.
The Format for Just Games’ Store Championship: Archon Reversal
Each player brings a deck to the tournament which they believe is challenging to win with. Each round of the
tournament, opponents temporarily swap decks for that match, and try to win the round with the deck their
opponent brought.
All decks are useful in some way, and this variant provides a fun opportunity for a player to dust off their more
challenging decks and give them some use in tournament play.
Details and structures
16-40 players – 5 rounds of Swiss with a top 8 cut
41-76 players – 6 rounds of Swiss with a top 8 cut
77 players up – 6 rounds of Swiss with a top 16 cut
Every 5 players who enter we will add 1 box of Keyforge decks to the prize pool. At our cap of 76 players, that would be 182 decks in prizes, distributed across participants according to standings.
Top 4 will get metal Keys.
Top 8 players will get a playmat, with the Top 4 getting Store Championship mats with their placing on them.
All participants will get a deckbox and promotional chain trackers.
Participation – 5 Æmbershards
Per win – 3 Æmbershards
Top 8- 10 Æmbershards
Top 4 – 20 Æmbershards
2nd place – 25 Æmbershards
Winner – 40 Æmbershards