We offer a subscription service to some of our more popular games. No more keeping track of street dates, pre-paying for games that end up delayed by shipping or production problems, or missing out on hot new releases. Best of all, subscribers earn double member reward points on all games they have a subscription to!
The service is very easy to sign up for, and is a cool benefit of being a member. To subscribe to a game, you must first have a membership. Then you tell us what games you want to subscribe to and give us a credit card. Our processor keeps that card securely on file (we can’t see or access your credit card number). When your game comes in, your card is billed, your membership gets double points, and the game is put on hold for you. You then get two emails; one is a receipt from our processor, and the other is from us letting you know the game is here.
- Get membership
- Choose games to subscribe to
- Go to store and sign up
Subscribing has other perks too: if a game has 6 or more subscribers (or appropriate number for regular play of your game), we’ll make a free game night themed around you and your game, even if we don’t have one! If it has 12 or more subscribers, we’ll apply for special promos and other goodies (where applicable) and you’ll get those free with your subscription.
Games you can subscribe to
- Smash Up
- Dungeons and Dragons official Wizards of the Coast books
- Star Wars RPG by Fantasy Flight Games
- X-Wing
- Imperial Assault
- Armada
- Mansions of Madness*
- Eldritch Horror Board Game*
- Arkham Horror LCG*
- Game of Thrones LCG*
- Lord of the Rings LCG*
- Star Wars LCG*
- Netrunner LCG*
- Legend of the Five Rings LCG*
- Star Wars: Legion
* Includes all print on demand items
If for some reason you want more than 1 copy of game, just tell us how many you’d like when you sign up and you’ll earn double points for all of them!