Charity Store events

Commander Sealed raises over $40,000 for charity

Last weekend, Sept 13-15, Just Games hosted the fifth annual Magic: the Gathering charity fundraiser, Commander Sealed. This event was a benefit for the Trevor Project and Trans Lifeline, and brought together over 400 players from dozens of states, over a two dozen artists and vendors.

We are proud to report that the event successfully surpassed our donation goal for each charity. The final numbers for each charity, pledged or collected as of today’s post, were as follows:

  • Trevor Project: $21,313
  • Trans Lifeline: $19,193

For a grand total of $40,506 donated from Commander Sealed! What an incredible show of support for these charities from our community.

Special thanks

Special thanks to our core donors, supporters and marketing gurus. You’re the folks whose work and donations really made this success possible.

Thank you for your continued support of this event.


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