Magic: the Gathering

Sealed RCQ Aetherdrift Feb 15

Sealed RCQ Aetherdrift will be Feb 15, ending in a Top 8 Draft. Register now

Register now

This is a Sealed format Swiss tournament with a top 8 cut. Top 8 will be Aetherdrift Draft. Pool registration is required.

  • Registration closes when sold out, or at 11 am day of, whichever comes first. We open early, at 11 am, to accomodate check in time.
  • Players should be checked in to the event and in the building by 11:30 am to allow ample time for us to correct any registration errors prior to the player meeting and round 1.
  • 20 minutes for sealed pool registration
  • 30 minutes for deck construction
  • 50 minutes for each round
  • ~15 minutes Top 8 draft + 25 minutes for deck reg/construction
  • Top 8 rounds untimed

The winner gets an invite to the Regional Championship!


This is a Competitive REL tournament. As such, sealed pool registration will follow the MTR, outlined below. Judge(s) will provide detailed instructions on tournament procedures before Round 1, and collect decklists at that time. Rules will be overseen by Level 2 Judge, Eric Cripps and store TO Mikey Martin.

7.5 Sealed Deck Pool Registration

• Each player is distributed the appropriate number of boosters. The booster packs should be marked in a way that distinguishes they came from the Tournament Organizer for that tournament.

• Players on one side of each table open their booster packs (Player A). The player directly across (Player B) observes this. Both players will observe and verify the contents of those booster packs. After this process, the opened cards are stacked face down in a single pile and placed near Player B.

• Player B will now open their booster packs. Player A observes. Both players will observe and verify the contents. After this process, the opened cards are stacked face down in a single pile and placed near Player A.

• Player A then sorts and registers the contents of Player B’s pool, and vice versa.

• After registration, each player returns the registered card pool to the player who originally opened the pool.

• Players construct and record decks as normal.


  • 1st: The Regional Championship invite, plus $200 store credit
  • 2nd: $150 store credit and a Regional Championship Invite
  • 3rd & 4th: 12 play boosters
  • 5th – 8th: 7 set boosters
  • All players will receive promos appropriate and exclusive to the RCQ season, as well as keeping what they open / draft

Path to the Pros – the RCQ

With William “Huey” Jensen recently put at the helm of Play Programs at WotC, there was a bit of hope that he’d be able to bring the player perspective to bare and deliver some welcomed changes. Well, Spoiler Alert, this announcement is FANTASTIC! Let’s take a look at it.

The long and short of everything here is that the Pro Tour is back! No longer are we calling it “Players Tours”, and gone is convoluted ways to qualify for these events. Here’s the graphic for the path to the Pro Tour for paper play.

Sealed RCQ Aetherdrift Feb 15

Wizards of the Coast

It starts with the Regional Championship Qualifiers (RCQs). Across the world, various outlets have partnered with Wizards to be the official holders of RCQ’s.


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