Miniatures Store events

Armada Monthly League

Last Sunday of the month Sunday, January 31 5 – 8 pm, for an Armada League $10, all of which would be returned as store credit With enough attendance (8+ players for the whole league) we could add in the contents of a league kit at the end of a 3 month run (3 playthroughs) […]

Magic: the Gathering Store events

MTG Modern Constructed, GPT Detroit

Just Games first GPT. Modern Constructed. $20 entry, registration at 12 pm, seatings at 12:30. Decklists required. Pre-register online. Prizes will be a combination of store credit and singles. Swiss rounds with a cut to Top 4-8 as appropriate.  Prizes will be based on attendance and will include a 50/50 mix of store credit and […]

Miniatures Store events

X-Wing Team Epic Play [League Night]

Join us for our first EPIC X-Wing event. How is Epic play different? Quite simply, we play with big ships! You can read more about it here on the floor rules PDF, or you can read the summary below. Cost for this event is $3. EPIC PLAY Squads should be 300 points. No more than […]

Miniatures New Releases Store events

What’s this Guild Ball game?

Guild Ball is a Medieval Football skirmish game with a developing following in Rochester, in which teams of players representing various mercantile guilds battle it out on the pitch to settle differences between their employers and generally keep fractious city-states from going to war with one another. We play Guild Ball at 6pm every Thursday […]

Magic: the Gathering New Releases Store events

Two-Headed Giant Magic the Gathering Draft

In addition to our usual Friday Night Magic the Gathering tournaments, Just Games will be running a special “Two-Headed Giant Draft” to celebrate the release of Oath of the Gatewatch! You can bring a partner, or we can pair you with a new friend at the draft. Oath of the Gatewatch is literally made for […]

Board Games Store events

Dino Dude Range Demo by Designer

Join us for a board game demo by local Rochester designer Dan Letzring, of his excellent game Dino Dude Ranch. ABOUT DINO DUDE RANCH You are a rancher whose specialty is wranglin’ dinosaurs! Head on over to the Jurassic Hunting Grounds to capture dinosaurs for your ranch by luring them with their favorite foods. Watch […]

Magic: the Gathering New Releases Store events

Oath of the Gatewatch Release Day Sale $109.99 boxes

On release day only, we offer a special $109.99 price for booster boxes of the latest Magic set – Oath of the Gatewatch. Save yourself some money and have a box waiting for you on release day. Don’t forget about Fat Packs, Intro Decks, and booster draft on Friday Night!

Magic: the Gathering Store events

Proxy Legacy Returns to Just Games

After 24 hours of being off the schedule, Playtest Proxy Legacy returns to Just Games! This event repeats every Sunday at 2 pm, 15 proxies are allowed, with additional proxies allowed for 10 cents each. The entry is $10, and 100% of the entry fee is returned to the players as store credit prizes to […]

Magic: the Gathering Store events

Unsanctioned Proxy Legacy allowed by Wizards

After 72 hours of communication from the community and WPN stores like Just Games, Wizards of the Coast has publicly clarified their stance on proxy Magic cards used in unsanctioned Legacy and Vintage events at WPN locations. Effective immediately, proxies are allowed for use in all unsanctioned WPN events. You can read the full article […]

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