Charity Store events

Commander Sealed raises over $40,000 for charity

Last weekend, Sept 13-15, Just Games hosted the fifth annual Magic: the Gathering charity fundraiser, Commander Sealed. This event was a benefit for the Trevor Project and Trans Lifeline, and brought together over 400 players from dozens of states, over a two dozen artists and vendors. We are proud to report that the event successfully […]

Miniatures Store events

Hobby Day, September 29: Beginner Techniques

1 pm start time During our hobby day, an instructor will be demonstrating specific aspects of miniature crafting. This month, Cam will show some beginner steps on how to get started on painting your very first model. This is an informal class, we’ll provide some supplies! You can bring minis and hang out, paint, use […]

Store events

Star Wars Unlimited Store Showdown, Oct 19

Join us for round 1 at 12:30 of the Just Games Star Wars Unlimited Store Showdown on Oct 19. Sign up today Taking place a couple months after a new set releases, Store Showdowns are casual tournaments that award prizes for both participation and placement. This is the most competitive that Casual Play gets, but the […]

Games for Everyone Magic: the Gathering Store events

Commander Party Fall, Sept 28

Come one, come all from Goodhill or the Burning Bog to the Three Tree City’s, er, Just Games’ own Commander Party on Sept 28 at noon! Over the course of the event, each player will take on the tasks that several friendly (or sometimes not-so-friendly) citizens of Bloomburrow’s Valley have set out for themselves, and […]

D&D Store events

Drums of the Dead, D&D Epic, Sept 13-15

Sept 13-15, RIT Inn and Conference Center  Just Games and Commander Sealed are proud to present the D&D Epic “Drums of the Dead” from 10 am to 2 pm on Sept 14 and 15 at the RIT Inn and Conference Center. From 6 – 10 pm on Friday Sept 13 we will also be hosting […]

Store events

Lorcana Ursula’s Return Championship, July 13

Join us for the Lorcana Ursula’s Return Championship, July 13 at 1 pm. Preregister online Registration may be done online, or from noon to 1 pm. Round 1 will start promptly at 1 pm, followed by a number of Swiss rounds determined by attendance, followed by a cut to top 8. Each round will be […]

Store events

DCC Day, July 20

DCC Day is a a day for trying Dungeon Crawl Classics from Goodman Games! Join us at 1 pm as we run a series of beginner-friendly DCC games. Everyone who comes in and buys any independent RPG (so, for today, that means not D&D or Pathfinder or anything by Asmodee) OR plays in a table […]

Star Wars Store events

Star Wars: Unlimited – Shadows of the Galaxy prerelease and preorders

Our preorder period is closed. We will have additional boxes available on release day. Thank you! Kick off the next phase of your Star Wars: Unlimited Organized Play experience with this Shadows of the Galaxy Prerelease on July 10 at 6 pm during our regular league time. You will need a prerelease box to play […]

Store events

Upcoming Painting Classes

Featured painting by Dave Vedder Join us for a series of painting classes by veteran painter, David Vedder. David is a skill painter and will be teaching and coaching expert techniques. Classes will run on the dates below, starting at 1 pm and running roughly to 3 pm. Blending Acrylic Paint, May 5 Object source […]

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