40K Store events

Da Boyz Prep Event: Warhammer 40K, Oct 31

The largest 40k Grand Tournament approaches, and so does our 40k Tournament Prep day!

The day will consist of a hobby area/clinic, meant to be a space for hobbyist to put last minute touches on their army, or frantically paint models that have sat in the backlog for too long before the tournament. Alongside, 3 tables of terrain, scoresheets, and players expecting a 2000 point competitive experience. Players will play to the best of their abilities, and talk after the game as to what they would have done differently, mistakes made in play, and ways to play against their army. It’s not meant to be as cutthroat as top table at NOVA, but more of a workshop on how to play the army at a higher level.

Neil will be in with the Da Boyz GT painting score sheet, to rank armies, and try to workshop with players to increase their hobby score in quick ways before the event on November 12-14th, 2021.

Entry into this event is free with purchase, or $5 under our casual use fee. See you there!

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