
Free RPG Day, June 22

Free RPG Day works with top RPG publishers to create the can’t miss RPG event of the year at hobby game stores around the world.

Participating retailers will receive a treasure trove of new and exclusive RPG adventures, previews, and accessories to provide an unparalleled day of roleplaying celebration.Attendees will get to snag cool exclusives, maybe play new games, and be surrounded by like-minded gamers!

Special Features

  • Just Games adds a “Premium” table for participants that play in the events, where you can get free copies of core rulebooks, supplements, splatbooks for popular RPGs and more!
  • All RPG books, dice and accessories are 10% off throughout the entire day as well.
  • Stop by and get 1 free item. Buy a game, get a bonus item! Play in a game, get ANOTHER bonus item! Stack up the savings, and stack up the freebies!
  • Anyone who makes a purchase may take 1 of AS MANY items as they like from our “Back catalog table” of samples and items from Free RPG Days of years past.

Join these great tables

Check out the schedule of RPG events, signups coming soon!



Become a Game Master for Free RPG Day

Game Masters get first pick of anything available in the Free RPG Day kit and Premium goodies slot, free for running a game of their choice!

Check out all the games

These are the featured games for Free RPG Day – click here or the pic below to visit and see which items you might get. DMs who want to run these games, send a message to We’ll make sure you have a table and guarantee you the item associated with your game!

Special thanks to these publishers for participating

Free RPG Day, June 22

Past RPG Table fun

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