Magic: the Gathering Store events

GPT Toronto Modern Constructed, March 19

GPT Modern Constructed. Registration at 12 pm. Seatings at 12:30. Decklists required.

Entry $20.

Not going to GPT Toronto? No problem – come play a great competitive Modern event. Prizes will be a combination of store credit and singles. Swiss rounds with a cut to Top 4-8 as appropriate. Prizes will be based on attendance and will include a 50/50 mix of store credit and singles. Prize support will be at least a 100% of entry fees paid out, plus additional prizes as attendance dictates.

Why Modern? We had a lot of requests for another competitive Modern event after our last one, so we used the next event we had available. Yes, we do know GPT Toronto is Standard, but with the “rise” of Eldrazi decks in both formats, it’s become significantly easier to have a single deck that is playable in both formats. So come out and enjoy some battles!


GPT Toronto Modern Constructed, March 19

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