D&D Role-Playing Store events

Just Games DnD 5E Epic Series, Part 3 “The Siege at Dawn”

May 28, noon
The Just Games 2016 Epic series is a locally-authored multi-table, monthly D&D game in which participants play characters working together to overcome major upheaval in the world. Each table will have a part to play, and the characters’ success or failure will influence the next month’s game play. Want to truly change the course of the world? Then sharpen your sword, raise your staff, gather your friends and venture forth to this epic D&D campaign!
We have 8 committed DMs and seating for 40-50 players for this event. This is a community-driven event, so come out and support your dungeon masters, eat some food, and play some D&D!
“The Emperor is dead, killed in a violent coup staged by Duke Arikshanda of the Morning Keep.” This news is brought by a bedraggled rider, who tells the tale to as many as he can in the time it takes him to change horses. The Duke’s army is on its way, on a great Eastward sweep to purge the land of loyalists – loyalists like you.
This session, the Duke’s army bears down on the monastery ruins. Some players are ready, having plumbed the depths of the ruins for treasure and allies with which to mount a defense. Other parties may be trapped and cut off from each other by the duke’s forces. Will the duke take advantage of the chaos and defeat our heroes, or will the Heroes of Waterford overcome the odds and regroup to drive back the duke’s men at the Seige at Dawn?
Family and new-player friendly
Played with 5th Edition rules
Entry: $10 – includes pizza and snacks, as well as the GM Support Fee.
Approximate Length: 1pm – 6pm
Rules: Adventure League character creation rules used
Starting Character Level for this adventure: 3
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