Magic: the Gathering

Kaldheim Prerelease and Preorders

Kaldheim is a world that has been inspired by Norse legends and mythology. For each Magic set, Wizards of the Coast tries to capture the essence of the world we are building and showcase the cards with both a main set version and an alternate-art custom showcase frame version. For Kaldheim, Wizards knew this meant they would be highlighting the legendary cards in the set with the metal-inspired Viking showcase treatment. Kaldheim is filled with legendary cards, including modal double-faced Gods!

Be sure to check out our Most Metal Giveaway below to learn how to get a free box of Kaldheim!

Preorder today

Wizards of the Coast has extended it’s suspension of in-store play in through Kaldheim. This prerelease will be via webcam or at home only. 

For any player that wants to play against other local players, at home and online via webcam, against other local players, using their prerelease sealed pool/deck we have a way for you to do that!

– Log into Wizards Companion app and join the Saturday (January 30th) Noon Prerelease event using this code: M8VP4N

– You will also need SpellTable: and to join the store Discord or Facebook groups.

This is a player list event, so all you need to do to participate is sign in, then play with a friend via webcam (or you family at home).

Here’s what you get with this pre-release.


Here’s what comes with your kit:

  • Kaldheim Draft Boosters
  • 1 foil promo-stamped rare or mythic rare from Kaldheim
  • 1 Spindown life counter
  • 1 MTG Arena code card*
  • Lands to build your deck from
  • PLUS 2 additional prize packs available ONLY via this Online / At Home prerelease signup

Preorder today

Kaldheim Prerelease and Preorders

Most Metal Giveaway

Want to be the “MOST METAL MAGIC PLAYER?!” Of course you do! Take a selfie in your “Most Metal” pose, makeup, or actual metal band (get creative!). Be sure to include your Kaldheim prerelease kit in the pic somehow!

Tag @JustGamesRochester on Facebook or Instagram, or email us your pic at, and you’re entered to win a free Booster Box of Kaldheim in our Most Metal Giveaway!

Winners will be announced on the weekend of the set release, on February 5, 2021.

Preorder today

Buy a Box Promo

Kaldheim Prerelease and Preorders

Whenever you buy a full display of Kaldheim – collector box, draft, or set – you get a Buy a Box Promo Realmwalker, while supplies last.

BONUS: Buy 6x prerelease tickets, get all the bonuses AND a buy a box promo!

Preorder today


Deal 2: Buy 3 Boxes, Get Commander Green Premium FREE

Kaldheim Prerelease and PreordersKaldheim Prerelease and PreordersKaldheim Prerelease and Preorders


Kaldheim Prerelease and Preorders

Did you miss Commander Green Premium Preorders? Did you go “oh crap, not worth it now.” Snag 3 Draft Boxes of Kaldheim and get 1 Commander Green Premium foil set totally free. That’s a roughly $600 value for $387.

Order your draft boxes now

Kaldheim Prerelease and Preorders

Timeline for Product Pickup

Below are the earliest dates that you can pick up your product. Please note if you are buying “Prerelease delivery” that starts January 29. “Release pickup” items are not available until Feb 5.

January 29-February 4

  • Draft Booster Boxes (full box only)
  • Prerelease Kits
  • Collector Booster Boxes (full box only)

February 5

  • Bundles
  • Individual Booster Packs
  • Set Booster Boxes
  • Theme Boosters

Preorder today

Kaldheim Prerelease and PreordersCOVID-19 NOTICE

In-store play is currently suspended, but you may choose in-store pickup or delivery for your kits. All kits come with the same products and bonus prize packs regardless of delivery selection.

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