Store events

Last Call for many of these great events

These events are nearly sold out!

We have a ridiculously busy October schedule this year, packed weekends and busy holiday prep. Don’t miss out on these fun events – register today!

Unfinity Preorders and Launch Party, October 7-9

Last Call for many of these great events

Unfinity releases October 7, with a launch day draft and fun participation goodies! You can also preorder boxes to build your cubes and crack cards playable in Commander and eternal formats – that’s right, for the first time you can get black border cards in an un-expansion for Magic.

What Unfinity can I buy?

There are a few ways to get your Unfinity fun going. Click the link to preoreder or preregister today, or keep going for more details.


Digimon Xros Encounter Prerelease, October 14 & 15

Last Call for many of these great events
Digimon Xros Encounter prerelease begins Friday, October 14 at 6 pm and 15 at 1pm. Boxes are also available for order during prerelease.

Reserve your prerelease seats

Digimon Xros Encounter Prerelease


Dominaria United Store Championship, October 15

Last Call for many of these great events

Magic Store Championships return! Once again, this year the top 8 players at each store will receive 1 or more promo cards with that store’s name printed on them; but this year’s promos are a doozy.

Just Games will be hosting this event as a sealed event, followed by a top 8 draft for top players overall. Pricing is all inclusive, so if you top 8, your second draft event is covered. The event will feature two different 2022 draft formats, so as to test and showcase the skill of our players. And as a thank you to you, we’ll be running this event at an amazing price!

Buy tickets now


Pioneer RCQ December 10 | $1K

Last Call for many of these great events

Join Just Games on December 10 for our competitive level round 2 qualifier for Dreamhack! This round features new promos, and an invite for 1st and 2nd. We’ll be hosting a Pioneer RCQ, from 11 am to 9 pm. This event has some limitations on seating, so preregistration is encouraged.

Instructions for decklists will be emailed out to the email associated with your in-store membership the week prior to this event – check there as well for a primer, a decklist, and for answers to your burning questions. If you can’t find answers there, email

Register now


Star Wars Legion Tournament, October 8th

Last Call for many of these great events

The next Star Wars: Legion event at Just Games Rochester is coming up soon! Get your stormtroopers, mercenaries, rebels and battle droids built and painted for this competitive event on Saturday, October 8th!

The event will start at 12:30 PM, and will feature three rounds of Swiss pairings. Standard 800 point rules will apply.

Register here. 


Learn to DM at the Strong Museum of Play

Last Call for many of these great events

Calling all adventurers! The Strong Museum of Play and Just Games are pleased to offer monthly Dungeons & Dragons programming through 2022, including miniature painting, adult and family programs, and Dungeon Master training. Tickets required. Full program descriptions below.

Get your tickets today

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