Store events

Marvel Crisis Protocol Tournament, September 17th

Fans of Marvel Crisis Protocol, get your heroes and villains assembled for the next tournament at Just Games! With new releases coming out every month, there’s always new characters coming to the world of Marvel miniatures that you can put on the table.

Get your tickets here

You must buy a ticket on our website to be preregistered; registering on Longshankes does NOT guarantee you a seat by itself. 

We will be using the Longshanks tournament software to run the event. Once you’ve paid for the tournament entry on our website, sign up for the event on Longshanks and submit your roster there! Link to the Longshanks event is here.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Tournament, September 17th

Entry Fee: $15

  • 12:30 start time
  • Three rounds
  • 16 player maximum

Prize Support

  • 1st and 2nd
  • Best Painted, as voted on by players between rounds on a secret ballot.

Tourney Rules

  • Rounds will be 1 hour and 45 minutes each.
  • After wins and losses, the main tie-breakers will be determined by strength of schedule, then total victory points scored, then margin of victory.
  • Standard timeline rules. Updated banned and restricted list will be used.
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