
Necromolds: Monster Skirmishes in a World of Clay

I know. I know we’re not supposed to eat the delicious looking Play-Doh, no matter how sweet of a temptation its weird scent may be. However, no one said we couldn’t sculpt it into little monsters and play out a skirmisher game with it! In Necromolds, you do exactly that!

The Necromolds are tomes of ancient forbidden magic by which wizards can create new twisted forms of monstrous life! Harnessing the powers of their dark magics with a signet ring, you can summon an army of clay to do your evil wizard business, your bizardness, if you will.

Necromolds: Monster Skirmishes in a World of Clay

And the lore of this game isn’t just flowery text they put on the back of the box, the way you make your warriors is by literally pressing them into a replica of the tomes.

The ten-year-old trapped in my adult brain is frothing at the mouth.

As for the gameplay itself, it’s easy to pick up, easy enough that you can play it with the minion kid you’ve got at home. At the start of the battle, your clay is a resource, and you’re able to make as many monsters as you can with it, so while larger monsters will be more powerful, they will use more of your clay, so strategize carefully.

At the start of each turn, you’ll roll command dice and assign them to each of your monsters. These will sculpt what actions your different units can take each turn, be it movement, magic, attacking, or, the best option, wild, which is the sculptor’s choice! When you battle against a monster, if you add in the Call to Arms expansion, you get to stick little swords into them to represent damage!

I almost forgot to mention the best part: when you finally deal enough hits to take down an opponent’s monster, YOU GET TO SMUSH THEM WITH YOUR SIGNET RING!

Necromolds is an excellent reminder that we can take the ‘Play’ in Play-Doh to its most extensive definition.

Come check it (and its fabulous art by Thad Stalmack II) out in-store now!

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