Who wants to start off the year right? With a MTG Buy a Box Birds of Paradise?! Well that will be the door prize for the FNM at Just Games on New Year’s Day! Regular prizing is also in effect, so you give up nothing, and gain a cool foil in the prize pool!
One player that finishes all rounds of their event will win this door prize. In addition, we will add additional cool foils at the following attendance points:
8-12 players: Birds of Paradise
13-24 players: Additional cool foil promo
25-32 players: Another cool foil promo
33-40 players: An even more awesome foil promo
41+ players: That it! One last foil promo!
What will these additional promos be? We don’t want to give too much away, but one of them rhymes with “Wurmcoil Engine.”
Wait, how much is entry into this awesome tournament?
$6 for Standard Constructed, $15 for booster draft, same as always. Boom.
Registration starts at 6pm on New Years day. Events seat at 6:30.