Classes Miniatures Store events

Red Slaad & Dire Troll Paint Night Class!

We’re pleased to offer two online paint classes, live, with our painting crewman Cameron Bender! Want to get in on the fun? Head over to our webstore and grab your Red Slaad and Dire Troll paint class kits today!

Cameron is an experienced painter who excels at breaking steps down for beginners and only teaching what newcomers need to know to paint their minis! Class will be streamed live at 1 pm on May 23 for the Red Slaad, and at 1 pm on June 13 for the Dire Troll!

Get your tickets now, pick up your kit any time, and join us for class – free – on the appropriate date!

A great opportunity for kids

Red Slaad & Dire Troll Paint Night Class!

Do you have kids attending our summer programs? This is a GREAT primer for the painting and crafts of a Dungeons & Dragons game! Sign your young adventurer up and get them prepped for online summer gaming!

Sign up for online-only summer programs while seats last

What’s in the kits? 

The kits contain everything you need to paint! Mini, brushes and paints ready to go when you open the kit.

Signup today!

Red Slaad & Dire Troll Paint Night Class!

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