Store events

Shatterpoint League, starting April 25

Grab your painted lightsabers and join us for a new Star Wars: Shatterpoint League! This league will take place on Thursday evenings at 6pm starting Thursday, April 25, 2024. The league will run for six weeks and will follow standard Shatterpoint match rules.

Pairings will be given at 6 pm every Thursday evening, and pairings will be determined by swiss format each week.

Entry is $10 each week and will be used as the prize pool for the winners of the league.

Sign up for week 1 online

Prizing will be awarded via store credit to the players who achieve the following:

  • 1st place in standings
  • 2nd place in standings
  • Best Painted as voted by the players at the end of the league

Sign up for week 1 online

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