Magic: the Gathering New Releases

Take the Oath Magic Tournament, Feb 18

Join us for a three part event as we play Magic: the Gathering to win the “Giant Oath” cards produced as a promotion by Wizards of the Coast in 2016. This event is played in 3 parts, first choose Standard or Modern, and then if you are in the top 4 of that event, you will draft to win the Oaths! At the lowest possible attendance to fire a sanctioned event (that’s 8 people, folks) there will be around $1000 of prizes in this event series, many of which you don’t need to Top 4 to win!

Questions? Email Pre-register online.

12:30 Pairings for part 1, Modern OR Standard
Choose your format, and battle for the Oath of your choice! The top 4 in each event after Swiss rounds will win the right to Draft Aether Revolt and battle for the cards!
– Prizes: everyone who plays will get 2 packs of Aether Revolt, garaunteed. Additional packs and store credit will be awarded based on attendance. Some samples prize brackets are given below.
– Participation: The first 24 players to register or pre-register and attend will recieve 1 Foil Thopter / Servo Token (Current value = $20), pictures below.

The top 4 players from the Standard and Modern Tournaments will draft Aether Revolt in a single-elimination draft, receiving 1 pack per match win. Should they achieve

*Time subject to change based on the end of Swiss rounds for both Modern and Standard tournaments.

Everyone who plays Modern or Standard will receive 2 packs of Aether Revolt or a Standard set of their choice. In addition, here are sample prizes

* 8 players in each event – Top 4 make final draft and get 6 additional packs of Aether Revolt
* 12 players in each event – Top 6 get 6 additional packs of Aether Revolt, top 4 draft for the Giant Oaths
* 16 players in each event – Top 8 get 6 additional packs of AEther Revolt, top 4 draft for the Giant Oaths
All prizes will be increased based on participation. At the smallest event size of 8 players, making Top 4 in eiher event would garauntee, at worst ~$70 in value in packs and an $800 top 8 value.

Pre-register online.

All players in the Top 8 will receive 1 pack per match win in addition to the prizes for making Top 8. The Top 6 players in the Top 8 Draft will each receive 1 Giant Oath Card (Value approximately $50-$100 value each). The other 2 players in the Top 8 will recieve an additional Thopter / Servo foil Token (value $20).


Pre-register online.

Take the Oath Magic Tournament, Feb 18

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