Board Games

UnPub Rochester Board Game Design meeting

UnPub Rochester is a local mini UnPub designed to support the board game design and development community by organizing events designed to help unpublished games and their designers receive public play-tests and feedback. These events are open to anyone who wishes to attend and play these games. Players are asked evaluate the games based on their tastes and provide constructive criticism in the form of verbal and written feedback.

We typically meet on the 2nd Sunday of each month at Just Games Rochester for around 6 hours. Interested unpublished (and published) designers should bring games they wish to receive constructive feedback on. Gamers and members of the public who wish to participate in playtests are welcome.

Our hosts for this first event are Dan Letzring, publisher of Dirigible Disaster and Dino Dude Ranch ( and Matthew Vercant, current owner of Just Games and formerly involved in management of Minion Games Kickstarter fullfilment, playtesting and marketing.

This event is free.

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