About 3 hours ago, we started migrating to new virtual storefront. This new technology has a lot of cool features, including VIRTUAL REALITY. No, really. Here are some other features:
- Live inventory – what we have in stock, as we have it in stock
- Reward points are redeemable online or in store, and accumulate anywhere we’re selling you anything. No more waiting!
- Backorder access for over 90,000 items in stock at any hobby distributor on the planet
- Did we mention the VIRTUAL REALITY?
Okay, that last one is a LITTLE bit of an exaggeration, but the 3D rendering of the store (which is admittedly a bit choppy right now – we’re working with the photography tech we’re legally permitted to use during the COVID shutdown) is technically compatible with several different VR glasses and viewers. That’s nuts, right? The future is NOW. But even without those, you can also use it to “walk” around the store, see what’s new, and check the status of the game room – right on your phone or browser. You can also click on a shelf of games and be taken to that shelf of games! It’s a super cool way to stay connected to what’s happening during the shutdown. And if, for some reason, that’s not working for you, you can still switch to a traditional catalog view – just hit the big orange button. And speaking of…
- Staff are still working to update ALL of our inventory. We’re lagging a bit behind on card games, and Games Workshop’s backorder and web-roster isn’t live yet, but it’s coming very soon! Please excuse our dust.
- We’re short a few things. Ya’ll bought a lot of puzzles. Mystery Boosters too. Restocks are inbound, and we’ll be updating you on those as they happen via our newsletter
- Reward points work! However, for your first purchase, keep two things in mind
- You need to use the SAME email to checkout that was on your membership card
- Once you do, you’ll need to check your email and confirm your email, name and cell phone to get full use of your account.
- Backorder access is CURRENTLY only available in the store. For now, email sales@justgamesroc.com and we’ll pull it up. Obviously, 90K items is a HUGE undertaking to make public facing, and frankly, we don’t ever expect to get it all up there, since it changes daily. But when you call, email, or stop by (coming soon!) we’ll be able to look it up instantly, and far more efficiently than our old system.
- There’s a tremendous amount of infrastructure we don’t have in place quite yet – live chat, for example, is still through our Facebook page. The app that pings our staff when a new order comes in isn’t working on everyone’s phone yet. 3D renderings are, ahem, a bit rough. And so on. We’re going to be smoothing those out for a while.
That’s a lot to take in, I know. Go poke around, activate your account (email us if it doesn’t work…) and help us knock out the gremlins before we send it out to our whole mailing list this weekend.
This has been a massive, MASSIVE undertaking. I was told it might take 90 days to get this system functional; our staff have done it in 20. Thanks for your patience, we hope you enjoy this first step into a more cleanly integrated Just Games.