“Khundrukar held many fine implements of war in its heyday, many of them now lost to time. Clues point to some of long dead Master Smith Durgeddin’s handiwork in the service of sinister forces that bide their time deep in the Underdark. Reclaim the riches of Khundrukar from the darkness if you dare.” D&D Epics […]
Category: D&D
D&D Youth Summer Programs
This July we are introducing two week-long youth events designed to give children ages 8-16 a chance to build social and teamwork skills through gaming. The first of these events will be a D&D-focused series called “Venture Forth” and will be designed for brand new players to D&D, running from July 10-14. The second session […]
“The flying galleon Thunderbound descends on Beregost, unleashing the wrath of the cloud giants! To save the town from annihilation, heroes from far and wide must awaken the lost machine entombed under Durlag’s Tower. Dare you board the Ark of the Mountains and do battle in the burning skies?” WHAT IS AN EPIC? A D&D […]
The latest release from Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, Tales from the Yawning Portal is on the horizon. This new book provides D&D fans with adventures, magic items, and deadly monsters—all of which have been updated to the fifth edition rules. Tales from the Yawning Portal Includes the following adventures, updated and revised for the […]
We are proud to announce that Just Games will be hosting a special showing of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story for our customers at 12:30 pm on Sunday, December 18 at Pittsford Cinema 9. Seatings begin at noon. This showing will be followed by a special, 4-6 pm “Star Wars Destiny Rogue One Learn […]
Thank you for voting for Just Games in the City Newspaper’s Best of Rochester 2016. We are humbled to have been nominated to the ballot, and appreciate your continued support and involvement in our community. Win, lose, or draw, we are excited to be part of your board, card, miniatures and role-playing community, and look […]
Join those of us who aren’t going to Gen Con for “Gen Can’t” – “A Pretty Okay Day of Gaming!” Specific events and times TBA. The schedule currently includes: – Iron Man Magic Draft – Twilight Imperium – Munchkin Tournament – Call of Cthulhu RPG – Silver Tower (Warhammer Quest) – 2pm The Pit of […]
Fun starts at noon! Join us for our yearly role-playing appreciation event. We’re going to do a lot of cool events, so it’s a great day to try a new role-playing game or return to an old favorite! This event schedule will grow as we get more tables, check our Facebook page’s event tab […]
May 28, noon The Just Games 2016 Epic series is a locally-authored multi-table, monthly D&D game in which participants play characters working together to overcome major upheaval in the world. Each table will have a part to play, and the characters’ success or failure will influence the next month’s game play. Want to truly change […]