D&D New Releases Role-Playing

D&D Epic: Peril at the Port, Sept 16

Pirates! Dastardly ne’er-do-wells have been spotted just outside of the harbor! Not content with scratching a living off of the rich port city’s scraps, pirates are making for the city by land and sea. But Port Nyanzaru is far from defenseless; pick up a yklwah, climb aboard a dinosaur, or man the wall; but whatever […]

D&D Store events

D&D Young Heroes Program, Aug 3

Did your children enjoy our summer programing for kids 8-16? Did they miss them but wanted to play with some gamers their age? Join us on August 3 as we launch the Young Heroes program for children ages 8-16. This will be a once-monthly kids game, run by our staff, right here at the store. […]

D&D Store events

D&D Tomb of Annihilation pre-order

Pre-orders are now open for D&D’s next module, Tomb of Annihilation. You can get this book on the Sept 8 early release day only at local stores. If you pre-order and pre-pay for a copy from Just Games, you’ll get a free ticket* to the Sept 16 D&D EPIC: DDEP07-01 Peril at the Port. You […]

D&D Role-Playing Store events

Free RPG Day, June 17

Free RPG Day is a cool once-a-year event where we, the Friendly Local Game Store give you (the friendly local gamer!) free RPGs. This year we have a massive box of dice and role-playing games to give away, from Star Wars to Fate, there’s something for everyone!   Scheduled Events The event schedule is below, […]

D&D Store events

D&D Epic, Return to White Plume Mountain, June 3

Return to White Plume Mountain Featuring Fai Chen’s Fantastical Faire New information has tarnished the reputation of the wizard Kelvan. Can he really be complicit in the kidnapping of a high priestess and the disappearance of others in the area around White Plume Mountain? Or is he simply the pawn of a much greater power? […]

Board Games Card Games D&D Magic: the Gathering Miniatures

International Tabletop Day, April 29

Join Just Games on April 29 for International Tabletop Day. Bring your own game, or join one of our featured events: Noon – 3 pm, Numenera: “The Skein of the Blackbone Bride” – “For members of The Slying Seskiis, an established mercenary group, this new job should be an easy one: retrieve the body of […]

D&D Role-Playing Store events

D&D Epic – Relics of Khundrukar, May 6

“Khundrukar held many fine implements of war in its heyday, many of them now lost to time. Clues point to some of long dead Master Smith Durgeddin’s handiwork in the service of sinister forces that bide their time deep in the Underdark. Reclaim the riches of Khundrukar from the darkness if you dare.” D&D Epics […]

D&D Store events

D&D Youth Summer Programs

This July we are introducing two week-long youth events designed to give children ages 8-16 a chance to build social and teamwork skills through gaming. The first of these events will be a D&D-focused series called “Venture Forth” and will be designed for brand new players to D&D, running from July 10-14. The second session […]

D&D Role-Playing Store events

D&D Epic: Ark of the Mountains, March 25

“The flying galleon Thunderbound descends on Beregost, unleashing the wrath of the cloud giants! To save the town from annihilation, heroes from far and wide must awaken the lost machine entombed under Durlag’s Tower. Dare you board the Ark of the Mountains and do battle in the burning skies?” WHAT IS AN EPIC? A D&D […]

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