Join us to celebrate the release of Magic Commander 2019 on Saturday, August 24 at noon!
Note that this event will replace league today, but entry into this event will ALSO count as a league entry, so you can double dip!
Choose any new Commander 2019 deck to play. You begin the game with all 3 Commanders in the Command Zone, in a pod of 3-5 players. Each player you eliminate from the pod earns you 1 booster pack. If you’re the last player standing, you will earn 1 Standard Showdown promo pack in addition to Standard legal boosters. All players that participate also get free league entry, so you’ll be getting prizes no matter how you do in your pod!
Commander 2019 decks must be unaltered to participate in this event. They may be altered for subsequent league play.
The fun begins at noon!
$10, or $5 with purchase of Commander 2019 deck of your choice. Free if you purchased all 4 decks from Just Games, either pre-order or on the day of the event. You can pre-order decks and save $20 off the release date price while earning double member reward points here.