Commander Anthology is a compilation collector’s set that combines four preconstructed theme decks all in post Magic 2015 card frames. It will be released by Wizards of the Coast on June 9, 2017 for $164.99.
In the same spirit as Duel Decks: Anthology and Planechase Anthology, Commander Anthology gathers four previous Commander products–”Heavenly Inferno,” “Evasive Maneuvers,” “Guided by Nature,” and “Plunder the Graves”–together in one convenient package. Includes four specialized life counters, tokens, and all cards included in the original decks.
We have a maximum of 13 copies available. The most any store is getting appears to be 15. If you know you are in for this product, we are opening pre-orders below. If you pre-order, we’ll give you double reward points on your membership account for committing early.
If you aren’t sure, we hope to have a few copies on release day, but obviously with only 13 unspoken for of a total 15, we can’t make any promises.