Magic: the Gathering

Commander Masters Launch Events

August 5, 12 – 4 pm

Anyone who has purchased a Commander Masters Commander Deck from us is automatically entered into a Commander Party preconstructed event! Play in a pod of 3 or 4 only with unaltered Commander Masters preconstructed decks, earn points for your bingo league card automatically.

Every player that plays will get a bonus pack of promo cards!

Commander Masters Launch Events

Promo Cards

We heard our commander players like promo packs and chaos boosters. So we decided, how about we give out our own CHAOS PROMO packs? Play in the commander masters precon event, and receive one of our special promo packs. Each pack has three random promotional cards, with some cards valuing up to $100!

So getting a preconstructed Commander Masters deck from Just Games gets you not only a deck full of new and exciting reprints, as well as a day to play with your precon, bingo stamps, as well as the chance of getting up to a $100 promo pack, just for playing!

We’ve put in an estimated over $1000 worth of promo value into the packs, so this is the blowout of commander event promotions!

But what’s in the packs?

Desperate to know what promos are in our packs? Check out some of  the great promos you could get below:

Please note that if you’re a regular Commander League player, this event will give you 1 free “Wild Stamp” on ANY square on the board that you’d like, and is 100% free to enter if you bought your Commander Masters preconstructed deck from Just Games

Preorder your decks today

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