D&D Role-Playing Youth Programming

D&D Epic: The Witchlight Carnival, May 21

Your journey for the safe return of a treasured possession has led you back to the Witchlight Carnival: a spectacular event of games, music, food, and friendship. However, strange things are afoot, and it’s up to you to find out what they are and who is behind them.

STEP RIGHT UP! One day only, join the Witchlight Carnival, exclusively at Just Games! Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your friend’s family! This is an experience you will not forget!

A 3-hour multi-table adaptation of the first chapter of The Wild Beyond the Witchlight. We’ll be running one session, at 1 pm on Saturday May 21.

Welcome back, D&D Epics!

D&D Epics are exciting multi-table events where participants cooperate in a “mass raid” of truly EPIC proportions; as every table works toward the same goal, individual tables act as squads that might take on different tasks, possibly affecting other tables or unlocking side quests needed to progress the event.

Just Games is excited to present two Epics this year that work as great, stand alone adventures, or a launching off point for Adventurers League Play, or just making a fun new Level 1 character.

D&D Epic: The Witchlight Carnival, May 21

What is needed to play 

A Player’s Handbook, a newly created Level 1 character (your DM can provide this at the table), dice, pencils and a sense of fun!

Pre-Registration for D&D Epics: do this thing

For D&D Epics, you absolutely must pre-register before the event to guarantee a seat. We’re making this even easier – we’ll let you register by table, reserving as many seats as are available so you can sit together with all your friends.

Bringing your kids? Want them to play with their own age group? Sign them up for the Kids Tables (9 & 10 respectively) at each event. Tables are limited to 6 players and 1 DM seat.

Pizza will be served, and softdrinks are available from our vending concessions section.

Want to DM? Sign up for a DM seat. If you do this, you need to arrive READY TO RUN A TABLE. That means you will need a copy of Wild Beyond the Witchlight, and the Epic WBW-EP THE WITCHLIGHT CARNIVAL. DM’s will get $50 in store credit as a thank you to purchase a hardcover book of their choice, after successfully running a table for this event.

Preregister here

If you signed up for the canceled 5 pm, please contact for a refund or to transfer your tickets to the 1 pm. 

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