Tournament Registration begins at noon. Round one is at 12:30. BT05 Constructed Format.
Join us for our competitive Digimon event of this season! Okay, it’s not super competitive, since everyone is garaunteed a prize, BUT you can win some free boxes! And you can register for free! Here’s how.
IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ. There are two ways to register for this event!
- First option; buy this ticket. You’re done!
- Second option; preorder and prepay for a DOUBLE DIAMOND booster box (you were going to anyway, right?) and this event is FREE. Just buy the box, and we’ll reserve your seat. Simple. We really want this to be free, because there is a slight cost bump coming to year 2 of Digimon, and this is the most fun way we can think of to offset that for our regular players. So let’s do this!
This event will be a number of rounds determined by attendance (maximum 5, but likely less). Prizes will be as follows, regardless of attendance:
- 1st Place: $100 store credit OR 1 booster box of in-stock Digimon (winner’s choice)
- 2nd Place: $80 store credit OR 1 booster box of in-stock Digimon
- 3-4th: $50 store credit or 1/2 box of in-stock Digimon
- 5-8th: $25 store credit or 6 packs of any in-stock Digimon Set
- 9-32nd place: 3 packs of any open box of Digimon after all prior prizes are claimed.
Obviously if we get fewer than 32 players, we’ll just drop the packs off the bottom. 32 is our cap, in order to keep the rounds to a reasonable limit.