Digimon Store events

Digimon Store Championship, October 2

Compete to become Just Games store champion!! Join our events for exclusive 2021 Store Championship promotional items!

North American players will play to win a finals invite to this year’s championships! Sign up here


  • Event registration from 12-12:30, round 1 starts at 12:30 pm.
  • Singles, Constructed, Swiss Rounds.
  • No Top Cut is supported for this event.
  • 60 minute, best of 3 game matches.


  • PARTICIPATION: Store Championship Participant Pack + 2 packs of 1.5
  • CHAMPION: Store Champion Card Set x1 (presently a $500 value!), National Finals Invite
    (For North America Only)

Top 8 at the event will get additional packs as follows:

  • 1st 1 full box of 1.5
  • 2-4th 1/2 box of 1.5
  • 5-8th 1/4 box of 1.5


Finals invites are not passed down if a player already holds a Final Championship invite. 16 players must attend the event for a National Finals Invite to be granted. Seating is available for up to 32 players at this Championship. 

It is mandator for participants to have a BCC ID. If you do not have one, you may obtain one via this link:

  • Prize details are subject to change.
  • Prizing and amounts may differ depending on country or region.
  • National Finals Invites are for North America only.
  • National Finals details to be announced.
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