This Friday and Saturday we have a series of events and specials for Magic players wanting to get in on Eldritch Moon.
First off, we have our Friday release day sale – $114.99 for a booster box of Eldritch Moon and a Buy-A-Box promo. This price is only on the Friday of release. We will also have Fat Packs and intro decks, as well as all the boosters you can shake an Eldrazi at. More into the event side of things? We kick off Friday at noon!
Friday – Draft and 2HG
Join us as we play Eldritch Moon Release Draft starting at noon and firing an additional draft as we get 8 players! Last release we ran 11 drafts – let’s beat that number! Drafts are $15 and include a release day promo card.
At 6 pm we’ll have our usual draft / modern / standard schedule, but we’ll also be offering Two-Headed Giant Draft!
Saturday – Sealed
Join us as we play Eldritch Moon Release sealed starting at noon!
Sealed is $30 and includes a release day promo card!
Prizes will be determined by attendance and will be packs of Eldritch Moon.