Lorcana Store events

Lorcana Organized Play

Lorcana is here! And yes we have product available, but we are only releasing it to participants in our Friday league.

League participation will be the only way to get Lorcana product from Just Games during the preview period – no Lorcana will be available on our shelves during this time. Read on to find out how to get yours by playing in league! 

During the Lorcana Preview period from August 18 until the main release in Sept, starter decks and booster packs (including boxes) will not be sold via preorder or online. They will be available exclusively via in-store league play on Fridays from 5- 8 pm. Here’s how league will work.

Preview League structure

Please note:

Rounds during week 2 and onward will be paired at 5:30 pm. Participants will play 3 rounds paired randomly. If you have children attending and wish to sit near them, let us know and we’ll be happy to accomodate them.

The first week signup includes a deck, and 1 pack for each game you play with a new person, up to 3 packs total. First week sign up is $50. Subsequent week signups are $16 and include 2 packs plus 1 promo card or pin, while supplies last. Should we run out of packs or promo items, store credit will be issued equal to the entry.


Play is Best of One, 3, 50-minute rounds each week, using 5-turn overtime (active player is turn 0)*

Each week you can add the contents of any packs you opened to your deck – and so on, for the full run of the league. At this time we expect the league to run 8 weeks, at which time we will reevaluate product supply. 30 minutes will be given to open packs and build decks, and then 2 hours for game play.


I’d like more Lorcana please!

Due to the incredible online demand for Lorcana, the following measures are in place to ensure that our local players are the ones who benefit from this program. We appreciate your patience while we wait for the full release to arrive, likely sometime in September.

  • Anyone who signs up online, but does not attend, will be issued a store credit refund OR may pick up product after attending and participating in-store games. To get the promos, packs and week 1 starter deck, you must attend the event.
  • For the August early release period (at least), additional product sales will be made available at to league participants, as supplies last. We will randomize the order that league participants get to make their purchase each week, to ensure that it is as fair as possible.
  • This method ensures that our prices are also as fair as possible.
  • We will not be accepting further preorders or reservations during this period.
  • We reserve the right to continue this method of product distribution until such time as supply stabilizes.
  • We do not know when product will be available outside this method.

League participation is limited so do not wait until at the door seating is available.

Preregister today


*If you don’t know what any of this means, don’t worry, we’ll explain it! For the more experienced players, yes, we are very much aware that official play is Best of Three. Best of One will is a measure we are taking specifically to help new players have time to learn the game. For now, let’s get everyone familiar and playing the game. 

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