It’s not an April Fools joke, we promise. Well. Maybe a little.
Join us at 1 pm on Saturday, April 1, for the Acorns in April event courtesy of Wizards of the Coast and Just Games. This player appreciation event is a great way to play sealed deck with the last two Un-sets for Magic at a great price.
Cost is just $13.37.
For this Un-Sealed event, each player gets one randomly selected mono-colored Unsanctioned deck and three Unfinity Draft Boosters. Using this unusual pool of cards, you create a 40-card deck and unleash chaos upon their opponents! Win 1 pack of Unfinity for each win you get during 3 rounds of play.
Event participants will also receive a Magic: The Gathering Arena Cosmetic in their in-game inboxes one week after participating, if you sign up using their Wizards account!
Additional door prizes of dice and full art lands from the Unsanctioned boxes will be given away at random to participants after all 3 rounds.
Seating is limited to the first 30 players to sign up!
Don’t wait, preregister today.