Magic: the Gathering New Releases Store events

Modern Masters 2017

Pre-orders open now to March 7.

Modern Masters 2017 Edition takes players back to some of the most remarkable sets from recent history, representing everything from Eighth Edition through Magic 2014–including trips through Innistrad and Return to Ravnica. Featuring new artwork on a number of cards, every card in Modern Masters 2017 Edition can be added to your favorite Modern-format decks. But first, enjoy a fresh Limited experience that combines some of Magic‘s most iconic cards in new ways. Every box of Modern Masters 2017 Edition contains 24 booster packs–each with fifteen randomly inserted game cards, including one premium card in every pack–making it perfect for exciting Draft play.

This remarkable set will release on March 17, and we will be running all day drafting on Saturday March 18 to celebrate the release. Pre-orders can be placed online, or in-store if you’d like to use your Member Rewards Points (MRP) for a discount.

As a special limited release, Modern Masters 2017 has a special bracket MRP used for discounts when you pre-order:

  • 500 MRP: Reserve a box on release day for $239.99 (no money down, if you pre-pay you do not need to spend these points to reserve)
  • 1500 MRP: $229.99 when pre-paid
  • 3000 MRP: $219.99 when pre-paid

Additional discounts may be taken at the usual MRP rates should you have and wish to spend additional points. If you do not have a membership, or do not wish to spend points, you may purchase a box using the link below.

Modern Masters 2017
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