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New 40K Escalation League Starting August 28th

Escalation league is under way! Get to the table this Sunday while it’s still in its infancy, and build your next army.

The same format you loved last time is returning, with only a few small changes! Get ready to start building and painting your new army through every points level in 9th Edition!New 40K Escalation League Starting August 28thWith a new scoring format for keeping track of your Escalation points and hobby progress, we’re hoping to keep players engaged and excited to get their new armies together. This new prize support format will reward different types of progress depending on what your personal goals are for the league.


  • Much like the last league, we’ll be starting with 500 points, moving up by another 500 points every three weeks to ensure players have ample time to build up their army while getting in games at different points levels.
  • Pairings will be assigned each week, ensuring you’re playing against different opponents throughout the duration of the league. All incursion and strike force missions will be pulled from the Nephilim Grand Tournament book, with the combat patrol missions being pulled from the 9th Edition Core Rule Book.
  • All pairings will be assigned at 12:30 PM each Sunday, so make sure to show up before this time if you want to ensure a pairing.

Prize Support

  • Prize support will be given out in a wider spread this league, with more awards for certain finishers!
    • 1st place in standings
    • 2nd place in standings
    • 3rd place in standings
    • Best Painted as voted by the players at the end of the league
    • Best Opponent as voted by the players at the end of the league
    • Best general, going to the player who racked up the most wins at the end of the league.
    • Extra prizes for players that manage to attend every week of the league!

Scoring this time around will be similar to last league, with a few small changes!

New 40K Escalation League Starting August 28th

Weekly entry is $5 and will go towards the prize pool at the end of the league.

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