COVID-19 Store events

Reopening for in-store shopping, May 30

Phase 2 reopening begins, some restrictions continue by executive order

As the Rochester area enters Phase 2 reopening, Just Games will be joining a great many local retailers in welcoming customers back to our store from noon-6 pm, daily, starting tomorrow, Saturday May 30. However, as we do, we want to ensure that our customer’s and staff’s safety and health are paramount. Therefore, we ask that if you choose to shop with us in person, you observe the following guidelines:

  • Curbside pickup is still strongly encouraged – quite frankly, regardless of government orders, it’s still the safest way to shop right now, and you can do it at the SHOP link above.
  • All customers will be required to have a face-covering on at all times while inside Just Games. No exceptions will be made to this policy. We’ll have them too! It’s kind of like a fashion statement, but, you know, it’s also about public health.
  • If you do not want to enter the store with a mask on, you may shop from home for curbside or delivery via All our additional services are still available to you!
  • Maintain a 6-foot distance between all customers and staff at all times.
  • The store will be sectioned off, with floor markings indicating “browsing sections” – please stay to one person or family group per browsing section.
  • We ask that you limit in-store time to 15-minutes or less
  • We will limit in-store shoppers to 10 people at a time.
  • Magic singles: will remain available via our online TCGPlayer store, for curbside pickup. Our Kiosks will not be available for use. We will not do in-person card pulls for the time being. This is because larger lists of cards can take some time to pull, and we don’t want to encourage an increased number of people in the store. If you would prefer to pay over the phone, simply choose “In store pickup, Pay Later”
  • Our game room remains closed, and all events suspended until further notice.

Let’s summarize that; curbside is still available, and is a great way to shop. If you’re shopping with us, stay at least 6-feet apart, in the demarcated sections, with a mask on, and keep it to quick trips. Still no in-store-gaming, and Magic singles need to be ordered via our website. Whew! Easy, right?

We’ll see you soon!

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