Magic: the Gathering Store events

The 2019 Challenger Decks and the Challenger Challenge!

Challenger Decks are your on-ramp to Standard. These four individual 75-card decks are geared toward Standard play for the Friday Night Magic player, and forged out of some of the most powerful strategies in Standard.

Challenger Decks will be available April 12, 2018, and will cost $29.99 each

Each Challenger Deck comes with a complete 60-card main deck and a 15-card sideboard, and is intended to be playable and competitive at a local level right out of the box. All cards will have been previously printed in Standard and are Standard-legal.

You can see full decklists for the Challenger Decks at If you want to pre-order, you can do so below – pre-payment will earn you double reward points, which is basically like getting a $10 discount. Preorders with double points are for full-displays only. But wait! Before you decide, read on to learn about the Challenger Challenge, and awesome free tournament you can play in just for picking up your deck or decks at Just Games!

Challenger Decks Preorder

The 2019 Challenger Decks and the Challenger Challenge!

The Challenger Challenge

Tournament, Noon at April 13, release April 12

At noon on Saturday, April 13, Just Games is proud to host the “Challenger Challenge,” a Standard tournament to test yourself with the new decks! If you pre-order all four of the decks with Just Games, this tournament is absolutely free! If you buy any 1 deck, the event is just $6. If for some reason you just rolled into town and didn’t get a deck from us, the event costs $12.

Format: Standard Constructed, using 1 unmodified Challenger deck of your choice for Swiss, followed by 1 of the Challenger decks you didn’t pick for the cut (Cut will be determined by total attendance)

Prizes featured, regardless of attendance:

  • 1st place will receive $50 in store credit
  • Top 4 will receive 3 Standard Showdown packs and $20 store credit (for a total of $70 for first)
  • All players that make the cut will receive 1 additional Standard Showdown packs from an old season
  • All players will get 1 pack per match won in the 3 rounds of Swiss.
  • Additional Prizes will be added based on attendance

The 2019 Challenger Decks and the Challenger Challenge!

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