40K Miniatures Store events

Warhammer 40K ITC Standard Tournament, January 25

In the last year, Just Games has really grown it’s Games Workshop section with your help, and we want to make sure we’re offering the full spectrum of casual and competitive events. So, without further ado, we’re pleased to announce our first ITC Standard 40K tournament of the year. If everyone who showed interest on Facebook alone attended, we’d have over 30 players, so save the date! This should be a great event.


2K ITC standard
Registration at 9:30 AM
3 round tournament, 2000 points
16 man (*assumed – see attendance notes above*)
$20 entry
Prizing in store credit determined by attendance
Early open at 9:30 am to accommodate setup and traveling players



If you’re traveling from the farthest reaches of the Empire, best to preregister below to reserve a seat.


Warhammer 40K ITC Standard Tournament

Warhammer 40K ITC Standard Tournament, January 25

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