Store events

Warhammer 40k Tournament, January 21

Just Games will be running our next Warhammer 40k tournament on January 21! Get your legions of Chaos, soldiers of the Imperium, or creatures of the Warp built and painted for our latest clash!

Preregister online

Warhammer 40k Tournament, January 21The event will start at 12:30 PM, and will feature three rounds of Swiss pairings. Standard 2000 point armies and 9th Edition rules will apply, as well as missions from the Nachmund Chapter Approved.

10 player maximum.

Prize Support

  • Prize support will be determined by number of entrants.
  • 1st, 2nd, and best painted.
    • Best painted will be determined by a secret ballot handed out to players between rounds.

$25 entry fee

Round times
  • Rounds will be 2.5 hours long
  • The event will be hosted on BestCoastPairings, which is where pairings and standings will be generated on the day of the event.
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