Magic: the Gathering

Webcam Magic Care Packages

Are you playing Magic online with your pod of 3-6 friends or family? Do you use a webcam to stay socially distant? We want to give you a package of prizes and goodies; free!

What’s in it?

$50-100 of prize support, free decks, commander decks, booster packs, promo cards, Secret Lairs and whatever else we have that might support the format you tell us you’re playing! The contents will not be quite identical for each group, because we’ll tailor them to the format you’re playing and the number of players. You can use them for prizes, sealed play, or just crack them and doll them out if you’re playing in-person too!

Webcam Magic Care Packages
Didja miss Secret Lair April Fools? For Commander players, this is another shot at it!

How do I get these goodies? 

Fill out the form below and we’ll mail it to you! No purchase necessary. You do need to have an active membership with Just Games, and you do need to have visited the store in the last 12 months (e.g. pre COVID shutdown). You also need a NYS shipping address. That’s it!

I play on Arena, not with physical cards…

That’s okay! You can still email your screen shot every Friday and get a promo code for participating that way. This program is just for those wanting to play with physical cards though.

Why is Just Games doing this?

Our Magic community has been super awesome about supporting us! With everyone’s fragmented work / school / life schedules with COVID, it’s been hard to get everyone on one day. We also have lots of new players, with no group to send them to. So we’re going to support your games wherever and however you’re playing them! In return, we just ask that you let us send you a few new (and likely some familiar) faces by advertising your play group!

What’s the catch? 

There has to be an online, webcam component to your play, and you have to be playing with physical Magic cards. Oh, and we’d super like it if you check the box telling us we can share your contact info in the newsletter next week, so new players can join the fun!

Oh, and we can only support the first 25 groups of 3-6 players to sign up.

Sign me up!

Fill out this handy form and we’ll get your package in the mail Monday morning! Remember

  • You need to provide us an active way for us to check that your group exists. A Discord link. A Zoom meeting we can join.
  • The contact information for other folks in your group. Again, this is so we can confirm your data. Without this information, we won’t be able to ship anything.

Thank you for participating in this promotion! If you submitted this form, look for a package in your group representatives mailbox this week! If you’re looking for a group to play via webcam on your “pandemic schedule” stay tuned! 

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