40K Age of Sigmar Board Game Rentals Magic: the Gathering Store events

Weekly Events are Back!

We’ve had weekly events back for a week, and what a fun week it’s been! We’re pleased to see everyone back, and we’re happy to see how many folks are comfortably returning to in-store play and having a great time doing it!

What’s new

  • Our board game library (free to use in store as part of our casual use fee) is over 600 titles – that’s massive – and growing weekly!
  • More ways than ever to earn Magic Promo Packs – use points!
  • Temporary bounty on MH2 Fetchlands
  • Fancy new automated vending set up in the game room, so you barely have to get up for snacks and sodas.
  • A robust schedule of great games (read on!)

Some games, like Pokemon, still do not permit in-store play. Based on our polling of your preferences, a vast majority of you are only comfortable with in-store play if everyone involved is vaccinated, so we’re going to keep requiring proof of vaccination to use the game room – for now. Scroll to the end for details. Those are the few exceptions we can think to mention. Here’s the event schedule.

Schedule Summary

  • Monday | D&D – 6 pm | $5
  • Tuesday | Legion – 6 pm | $5
  • Wednesday | Draft / Commander Nights / Coming soon – Not D&D Night – 6 pm | $20 / $5
  • Thursday | Crisis Protocol – coming soon / Board Games / Digimon / Pioneer – 6 pm | $5 / $10 / $10
  • Friday | FNM – Draft / Coming soon – Pokemon / Modern – 6 pm | $20 / $10 / $10
  • Saturday | Commander League – Noon | $5
  • Sunday | 40K & AoS – Noon | $5

Weekly Event Schedule

Monday D&D

  • Join our adventures! Walk-ins always welcomed, though if all our tables are filled with reservations, it may take a little while to find a DM. Adventure is popular these days! $5 entry per week.

Tuesday Legion

  • Join us for Legion games! Skermish and full army rules as you like. $5 entry returned as store credit.

Wednesday Draft & Commander League

  • Draft is Modern Horizons 2 this week! Woohoo! $40 entry, Set Booster Packs of MH2 as prizes.
  • Commander League has Bingo cards again! $5 per week. Achievements are interesting challenges, and you can earn up to 3 per night. Set and promo boosters, even Collector boosters, are prizes for this league.

Thursday Board Games, Digimon and Pioneer

  • Casual board game fun!
  • Digimon is Constructed with a $10 entry, returned as store credit, promo packs, and randomized pairings.
  • Pioneer is a $10 entry with store credit prizes for top finishers. Build those decks!
  • Crisis Protocol is a $5 entry, returned as store credit to each player, with free organized play kits included as they become available.

Friday Magic Draft and Modern

  • $20 standard draft OR $40 MH2 Draft
  • Modern is a $10 entry with store credit prizes for top finishers. Build those decks!

Saturday Commander League

  • Same format as Wednesday – double dip if you missed a week, or get these great benefits! Leagues last on a 12 week cycle. Finish your whole Bingo card and get access to the “Challenge Card” for the rest of the league. Oooo! What is it? No one knows, ’cause no ones done it yet 😉 Be the first!

40K Escalation League, Sundays Noon, starting June 20

With our game room opening up, it’s time for a new 40k Escalation league! A great way to get introduced to the game, build a new army, or compete with an already painted force.

League starts at Combat Patrol size, at 500 points per player. After 3 weeks of play, the game size will increase by 500 points, moving to Incursion, then to 1500 point Strikeforce games, and finally ending at 2000 point Strike Force games. Missions will be pulled from the Big Rule Book for Combat Patrol and Incursion, then from the 2021 Chapter Approved Mission Pack.

All current point values, rules, and supplements will be in play as they are released. If your codex drops mid league, you’ll be allowed to swap into your new codex.

Entry: $5 per week, or any 40k purchase. Prizes for first, second, third, and best painted. Scoring based on Win/Loss, with overall points throughout the league being used for tie-breaking.

Casual Game Room Entry

Use of the game room for unscheduled events (that’s fun stuff that isn’t on our calendar) costs $5. That $5 will immediately be refunded to your account as store credit.

For that $5 you will get use of the space up to 6 pm, and are subject to our Code of Conduct as always. Continued use of the space after 6 pm, unless it directly conflicts with a paid event. Access to our hundreds of rental games in-store for the day, free of charge while you’re in store.

Since you get it back as store credit, we’re really only asking you to promise to buy something, eventually. And if you’re not sure what, may we suggest you try a game from our library? We mentioned there are hundreds, right?

Vaccine Passports

All game room use will require you to present proof of vaccination. You can use the Excelsior Pass, or your COVID-19 vaccine card, but we aren’t currently allowing general use without one. This is a result of our customer comfort questionnaires, public opinion polls, and the best recommendations of the CDC.

Based on our polling of your preferences, 68% of  are only comfortable with in-store play if everyone involved is vaccinated, while 30% will play with anyone and 2% are not ready to play in public at all yet. Those are strong confidence numbers, and we expect folks to get more comfortable in a couple weeks, and our few remaining restrictions to relax over time.

We expect this to change soon, thanks for your cooperation during this time of transition.


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