40K Age of Sigmar Store events

60-Minute Mini: Ork Boyz, October 13

Come join us in this hobby event for new and experienced painters alike! With entry, you will be given one pre-assembled, pre-primed Ork model to be painted in 1 hour in-store. When the hour is over, all participants will vote on the best-painted model with prizes for 1st and 2nd. You keep the model you […]

Age of Sigmar

AoS Spearhead League, starting October 6

This league will take place on Sundays with pairings at 12:30pm starting Sunday, October 6th. The league will run for six weeks and will follow standard Fire & Jade Spearhead rules. Entry is $60 for the full 6-week league, and will be used as the prize pool for the winners of the league. Your 5 best […]

Age of Sigmar

60-Minute Mini: Clanrats, Sept 1

Come join us in this hobby event for new and experienced painters alike! With entry, you will be given one pre-assembled, pre-primed Clanrat model to be painted in 1 hour in-store. When the hour is over, all participants will vote on the best-painted model with prizes for 1st and 2nd. You keep the model you […]

Age of Sigmar Classes D&D Games for Everyone

Hobby Days and Painting Classes

Join our hobby events coming up! Turn your gray and primed plastic bits into a work of art. Beginning tomorrow with our D&D Masterclass we will paint a Miniature Giant Space Hamster, and then follow-up with a robust hobby schedule over the next 2 months: August 6 – Paint a Space Hamster! August 20 – […]

Age of Sigmar

AoS Spearhead Tournament

Join us on Saturday, September 7, for an all-day tournament celebrating the new Spearhead format of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar! Now is your chance to paint up and show off your elite spearhead force of your favorite faction in the new edition. This event will be 3 rounds of swiss with pairings starting at 12:30pm […]

Age of Sigmar

Skaventide Release Celebration

This event is postponed due to a scheduling conflict, please check back for updates On Saturday, July 20th, come join us as we celebrate the arrival of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar’s fourth edition and Skaventide box set! Whether you’re commanding the Stormcast Eternals, Skaven, or other army of your choosing, come over to play with […]

40K Age of Sigmar Miniatures Play

60-Minute Mini, July 14: Necron Warrior

Come join us in this new hobby event for new and experienced painters alike! With entry, you will be given one pre-assembled, pre-primed Necron Warrior model to be painted in 1 hour in-store. When the hour is over, all participants will vote on the best-painted model for a prize. You keep the model you painted! All […]

Age of Sigmar Games for Everyone

Age of Sigmar Escalation League, starting April 7

Age of Sigmar Escalation League will be a twelve week league starting April 7 where players will amass an army of increasing size. The league starts at 500 points the first week, and increases tp 750 points for weeks 2 and 3, then every three weeks to a maximum of 2000 points. Pairings will be […]

Age of Sigmar

Age of Sigmar Painting Contest & Swap

Cover mini art shared from Discord user Lumpy. Join our Discord! One of our regular customers was chit chatting with us about unique ideas for a fantasy-themed mini swap, and we said “Hey, what if it was Age of Sigmar? Isn’t Old World coming out soon too?” So without further ado, let’s paint some models […]

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