D&D youth league continues on August 31 from noon to 3 pm. This session is now FULL. Please note that next session will be September 14th. Parents and older children are encouraged to ask about participating as Dungeon Masters, however all content is determined by the Just Games staff. Parents with younger children should plan […]
Author: Just Games
Release date August 23 Like previous Commander releases, all of Commander 2019’s decks were designed around a central theme, and this year that theme is Mechanics. Each of the four Commander 2019 decks is themed around a single mechanic and have a commander that emphasizes said mechanic. The four mechanics are populate, madness, flashback, and […]
Anticipated release of Nov 2019 From the studio that brought you the hits Mysterium and Dixit, comes Obscurio, a secret role game in which you must discover the traitor in the ranks of wizards before it is too late! Preorder Obscurio Prepay, double points $49.99 USDReservation, pay later $0.01 USD The Sorcerer is out to […]
Anticipated release date October 18 “The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun, the clone war has.” –Yoda, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones War has engulfed the galaxy. The vast forces of the Separatist Alliance, bolstered by seemingly endless ranks of battle droids, have pushed the Galactic Republic to the brink of dissolution and […]
Available August 9 Ticket to Ride celebrates its 15th anniversary in style! Ticket to Ride celebrates its 15th anniversary in style with this new edition celebrating years of adventures on the rails. This edition features translucent train cars and a special booklet detailing the history of the game. This edition features translucent train cars and […]
Anticipated release date November 2019 “The Grand Star Alliance is happy to accept the best and brightest from any world.” One year ago, KeyForge introduced the world to a new kind of game, one where every deck is one-of-a-kind and where anyone has the chance to become a champion. Richard Garfield’s imaginative design welcomed players to the […]
Anticipated release November 2019 “With great power, there must also come great responsibility.” –Stan Lee, Amazing Fantasy #15 Iron Man and Black Panther team up to stop Rhino from rampaging through the streets of New York. Captain Marvel and Spider-Man battle Ultron as he threatens global annihilation. Do you have what it takes to join the […]
As part of Summer Demo Daze, you can join us on August 3 for Mobile Frame Zero, the LEGO game of big robots blasting each other! The fun starts at 1pm, so arrive early and team up! What is Mobile Frame Zero A tense, tactical game of giant robot squad battle! Build your mobile frames of […]
Join us for the second week of Summer Demo Daze as we explore early releases from all over the industry! It’s also Gen Con weekend, so if you aren’t going to Gen Con, go to “Gen Can’t” here at Just Games! All these games are good for double points if you purchase them today! […]