40K Age of Sigmar Board Games Card Games Magic: the Gathering Store events

Black Friday Week 2020

Our biggest goals this month are to encourage folks to shop early, skip the lines, and avoid unnecessary time spent in crowds. So Black Friday starts Monday Nov 23!

COVID is on the rise again, and frankly, we don’t want to put anyone at unnecessary risk. At the same time, due to the shutdowns earlier this year, there is a tremendous need for businesses to move out overstocked inventory, much of which represents amazing games that would have been sold out in a normal year, but are instead gumming up our storage.

So, if we want to do that, we need to start Black Friday early. Today, in fact. So here’s how it’s going to work:

In order to further reduce in-store traffic, we won’t put every category of game on sale at once. We’ll be going group by group, and leaving any items surviving in each group on sale until the sale ends.

  • Monday, November 23: Board Games
  • Tuesday, November 24: Card Games
  • Wednesday, November 25: Miniatures & RPGs
  • Thursday, November 26: THANKSGIVING – STORE CLOSED
  • Friday, November 27: Black Friday, Name Brands like Magic experience a once a year blowout sale!

Select titles will be 50% or more off all week. But these deals don’t last forever; on Friday at closing we button it all up and move on to holiday prep and Blind Buy Gift sale in early December!

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