Card Games Magic: the Gathering New Releases

Magic Global Series, June 22

Global Series: Jiang Yanggu & Mu Yangling is just a few weeks away: the multiverse’s two newest planeswalkers are set to land in Just Games on June 22. Here’s what you need to know: 1. It’s an introductory product, designed with Chinese audiences in mind. Flavor-wise, it’s a whole new branch of Magic story, conceived […]

Magic: the Gathering New Releases Store events

Magic Core 2019 pre-release

This July, Magic brings back the popular core set format! Join us as we celebrate with a pre-release for Magic: the Gathering’s latest core set, Magic 2019 The pre-release for Magic Core 2019 is coming to Just Games on July 7 & 8. New to Magic or not into competition? No problem, try our super […]

Card Games Magic: the Gathering New Releases

Signature Spellbook: Jace, Pre-order

June 15, 2018 Call on the power of Jace Beleren and control the game with this collection of essential blue spells, now with a stunning new look. Each Signature Spellbook: Jace will contain nine cards: eight cards and a foil version of one of those eight cards at random. Note: pre-orders will be limited to […]

Magic: the Gathering New Releases

Commander Anthology 2 pre-order, June 8 release

Launch a legendary four-player Magic™ battle right out of the box with this collection of classic Commander decks. Create massive undead monstrosities with Devour for Power, send fearless Giants to crush your foes with Wade into Battle, craft deadly artifact combinations with Built from Scratch, or spawn an inexorably growing army with Breed Lethality. Choose […]

Card Games Magic: the Gathering New Releases Store events

Battlebond Pre-release, June 2 & 3

This June 2 & 3, Battlebond brings team play to Magic: the Gathering in a big way! Battlebond is Wizards “once per year, special sealed / draft” release. Designed specifically for 2-headed Giant Sealed and Draft play, Battlebond is the definitive team format for Magic. Sealed will feature 6 booster packs The pre-release for Battlebond is coming […]

Board Games Card Games D&D Magic: the Gathering Role-Playing Store events

Tabletop Day 2018 is April 28

Tabletop Day is on April 28 this year, gamers unite! As with previous years, we’re going to play a lot of cool stuff! In addition to our April D&D Youth League, we’ll be running a bunch of different role-playing events, some board games, demos, and lots more! Below is a schedule of what we’re doing […]

Magic: the Gathering Store events

Pre-order Dominaria Booster Boxes and pickup at Pre-release

Magic players unite! Wizards has heard your pleas, and you can now pick up your booster boxes of Dominaria at the Dominaria pre-release at Just Games! We have many pre-order deals on boxes, some of which get you a discounted pre-release entry! If you just want to grab a box, you can do so below […]

Magic: the Gathering New Releases Store events

Dominaria pre-release, April 21-22

This April, Magic returns to the legendary plane of it’s birth, Dominaria! Join us as we celebrate with a pre-release for Magic: the Gathering’s latest expansion, Dominaria The pre-release for Dominaria is coming to Just Games on April 21-22. New to Magic or not into competition? No problem, try our super casual event! Want that premium […]

Magic: the Gathering Store events

Magic Challenger Decks and the Challenger Challenge

Challenger Decks are your on-ramp to Standard. These four individual 75-card decks are geared toward Standard play for the Friday Night Magic player, and forged out of some of the most powerful strategies in Standard. Challenger Decks will be available April 6, 2018, and will have an MSRP of $29.99 Each Challenger Deck comes with […]

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