Join us Mondays for Modern Constructed (or D&D Encounters if you prefer) at 6 pm. Details are below, or hit the Events tab if you’d like to see our other upcoming events like Board Game Night on Thursdays. Modern MTG Format and Details $10 entry, Modern Constructed Players should construct their decks using the […]
Category: Uncategorized
D&D Encounters Rage of Demons
Starting on Monday, Just Games will host D&D Encounters, Rage of Demons, played in our comfy padded oak chairs, with optional use of our premium RPG table, suitable for tables of 6-10 participants. The cost is $3 per player, with the entire amount going to your table’s Dungeon Master on a gift card to help […]
This week is our first Friday Night Magic, and in addition to a Battle for Zendikar draft at 6 pm, we’re also offering a legacy promo to every player who plays in the draft. What’s a legacy promo? Well, over the year, our owner has accrued quite a collection of older promos – from FNM, […]
Dice, dice and more dice

If you’re a D&D player, a Pathfinder player, or a role-player of any variety, sooner or later your dice will betray you. When that happens, we’ve got all the dice you need – from Fudge to d20 – we do dice. We carry Crystal Caste metal and gemstone dice, Chessex, Valiant Games, Q-Workshop, spindle dice, […]

Our stock of Board Games, Magic: the gathering, Dice, and Role-playing games is here and on the shelves. Our events schedule kicks off on Monday with Tiny Leaders League – if you don’t have a deck, don’t worry, we can loan you one to try the format. Check out our Events calendar for more details, […]
Warhammer coming to Rochester
We’ve made the call – Warhammer and Warhammer 40k will be joining our gaming family at Just Games in Rochester NY. We’re stocking now just the minis, but the full line of paints, brushes, modeling supplies, files, you name it, we’ve got it. We will also be hosting painting nights and events for Warhammer, so […]

We just got through painting our new board game retail space, and once it dries, we’ll put in those sweet sweet shelves to hold all the role-playing games, board games, dice and miniatures. We’ll add more updates and pictures as the work moves along.
Building a Store – The Raw Space

We’re doing a little video series on opening a game store in Rochester NY, and we thought we’d share it here for those who are interested. Keep an eye on our page for updates on dice, Magic the Gathering, Warhammer and more as we close in on opening day.
Premium RPG tables

Our premium gaming tables are perfect for RPGs like D&D Encounters, Pathfinder Society, or your weekly role-playing game. Made from golden oak, our cushioned chairs will comfortably support gamers of all shapes and sizes while your party of intrepid heroes does battle with foes from all corners of the multiverse.