Just Games is proud to announce a recurring selection of beginner miniatures painting classes as part of National Screen Free Week. Have you ever wanted to learn the basics of painting for tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer, and board games from Cool Mini or Not? In these two 4-hours classes, we’ll take you from bare plastic to “Tabletop ready” in just two afternoons!
Everyone who attends will leave with at least one finished mini, and the skills to finish many more. Covering priming, base coating, washes and highlights, this class is intended for beginner painters.
Who is this for?
- All ages
- Brand new painting beginners
- The “painting curious”
- Dungeon Masters wanting to add “flare” to their table
- Anyone who loves making pretty minis!
What to bring
These classes are all-inclusive. We will provide miniatures to learn off of, paints, brushes and supplies for you to use to get ready to paint minis in your very own style! Everything you use at the event, including the test minis, are yours to keep!
May 5th and 12th, from 1 – 5 pm. Participants will learn basics on week one, then go home and try them on their own. On the second week we will build on what you did at home, teaching you new tricks to make your minis “pop” when you game! There will be roughly 1 hour and 45 minutes, followed by a 15 minute break (for food to be consumed and paint to dry), followed by another 2 hours of painting class.
Pre-registration is required for this event, so don’t wait. The fee is all-inclusive for both classes and is due at pre-registration. Remember when you sign up, you are registering for both days with one fee (paint takes time to dry, and brains get full in about 1 hour).