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Open House – Just Games Rochester new location

Just Games, Rochester and Penfield’s friendly local source for board games, puzzles, role-playing, miniatures and more is proud to invite you to our first Open House in our new location! Festivities kickoff at noon this Saturday, March 30!

What will be happening at this open house? Well first, just for popping by, we’ll give you a chance to win this amazing copy of the collector’s edition of Pandemic with pre-painted character minis – totally free, just for checking us out!

We’re also going to give away a game every hours from noon to 7 pm. In no particular order, we will give away

  • Fog of Love
  • D&D Dungeon of the Mad Mage miniatures bricks
  • Playmats for those card players that love neoprene
  • Warhammer start painting boxes
  • Ravensburger 500 piece puzzles
  • Camel Up! (it does exist!)
  • And more!

We will also have juice, donuts, and refreshments available for all as you enter the store, guided tours of the new sections, and a chance to check out our event center by playing in one of the events below.

If you’d like to check out a new game demo while you’re here, we will be featuring demos of

  • Social deduction: Visitor in Blackwood Grove
  • Azul
  • Trekking the National Parks (like Ticket to Ride, but with a twist)
  • Get Packing (Suitcase Tetris)
  • Star Wars Destiny (new expansion and a rotation make it easier to play)
  • Keyforge

Be sure to check out our new, triple-sized board game rental library, massive selection of puzzles, expanding miniatures section (including one of Rochester’s only sources of Vallejo Air paint), amazing selection of role-playing, lounge seating and more!

We will also be featuring

  • Commander league at noon
  • Keyforge at 1 pm
  • Numinera at 4 pm

So come in and see the new store, win some games, learn some games and play some games!

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