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ROC LGBTQ Just Gaymes Day, March 7

Just Gaymes Day at Just Games Rochester will be the first (of many, we hope) LGBTQ *all-inclusive, all-ages* celebrations of gaming in the LGBTQ community. Our mission is to create a safe, welcoming environment for us to let our nerd flags fly together. Please read below for the full event description, and watch this space for updates and surprises — we’ve got more in the works!

For our first event, we wanted to start off by welcoming anyone and everyone who loves gaming already or those who want to learn:

Magic: Standard Shuffle Introductory Format

Curious about Magic? Want to get your friends in? Then check out this special edition of our Friday Night Standard Shuffle format! $7 gets you a 60-card starter deck.
Game 1: Shuffle the deck. Learn to play from a friend or our staff on one of our Easy to Learn playmats!
Game 2: We’ll give you 2 booster packs of Theros: Beyond Death. Open your 2 packs, add the cards you like to your deck, play again!

Already playing on Friday? Bring your Standard Shuffle deck, teach a new player and get a free promo pack.



Join us for a Gaslands Learn to Play day on March 7 at 1 pm. Check this cool, equipment-light game out and prep for a casual tournament next week!

Role-Playing Games

Game Masters: We need you! Sign up to run your favorite game! We’ll add you to our preregistration list and get players organized before the event. **We are looking for games aimed at both new and experienced players.** Please post below if you’re interested in running so we can start signing up players.
Players: a $5 entry gets a pool of store credit to thank your game master, and gives you 3 hours of game play!

Bill Adcock Presents; Call of Cthulhu at noon
“A Man to Purgatory, A Woman to Hell” (Call of Cthulhu): May, 1928 on the island of Martinique. Suzelle Chauvet, a wealthy heiress, has hired a team of private investigators to resolve the disappearance of her husband Lucas, as she does not trust the police to conduct a fair or thorough investigation. The investigation will turn up a web of love, secrets and ghostly horror that spans the island.

Call of Cthulhu is a game of horror and mystery-solving inspired by the cosmic horror fiction of pulp author H.P. Lovecraft. This scenario is suitable for new players, and the system will be taught at the table during play. Premade characters will be provided; maximum six players.”

Jesse Edmond Presents; A Monster of the Week MiniMaxi Scenario at noon
5 Corners: The Mall at the Center of Space, Time, Light, Dark, and whatever Fromnblurg is.
It has been foretold that a Chosen One would one day arrive at the 5 Corners Mall and Shopping Center, and bring with them a force of destiny; undeniable and unrelenting and capable making 5 Corners finally stabilize in space and time, ensuring the safety of this reality and several nearby ones… plus, a reality that’s a little bit out there and to the right.All signs have pointed to the prophecy coming true in the current time and, indeed, a Chosen One was found and manipulated into applying for the Head of Security position, at the mall, which had just been vacated, mysteriously. It seemed, at last, that the world would be saved and that the 5 Corners would no longer be a threat.

This game will be played using the Monster of the Week Rules with the Tome of Mysteries supplement. Characters will be made as part of the game!

Caitlin Gallacher Presents; Monsterhearts 2 at noon
Monsterhearts 2 lets you and your friends create stories about sexy monsters, teenage angst, personal horror, and secret love triangles. When you play, you explore the terror and confusion of having a body that is changing without your permission.

This game is powered by the Apocalypse World engine. It draws inspiration from Twilight, Buffy, Ginger Snaps, The Vampire Diaries, and The Craft.


Angela Murray Presents Star of Wyndover at 1 pm
D&D 5e
6 Players Max (4 player min – though I’d prefer a full table)
The Queen is dying and a new heir needs to be named. You and your party are on a quest to find the lost Star of Wyndover, a mystical artifact said to be able to name the chosen heir of the kingdom. You’re not the only ones looking for it, though


Joe Marino presents Vampire: The Masquerade – New Blood 12 – 4 pm and 4 – 8 pm [CANCELLED]
You wake up in a meat locker with vague memories of what happened last night. Something about you is not quite right. As you come to your senses, you realize that you have a hunger you’d never experienced before. Gradually, you’ll come to realize that you’ve been Embraced into the world of Kindred – or vampires to those not in the know.
Mature Warning: contains graphic and written content of a mature nature, including violence, sexual themes, and strong language.
The sexual themes will be toned down, but this is still going to be a horror game.
Age: 13+

Brenda Thorpe presents Feng Shui 4 – 8 pm
The Slow and The Serious
What is the mysterious mystical Orb of Bota-Salaam? Whatever it might be, it’s the plot device with the silly name you’ll be making fun of during this session of action movie roleplaying!

Bill Adcock Presents; Call of Cthulhu 4 – 8 pm
“Bloodlines” (Call of Cthulhu): Under the sweet air and slow dirge of 1920s New Orleans, family secrets are a commodity as valuable as gold. As lineages merge and compete, the commerce of shame breeds distrust among the elite. This distrust is only thinly veiled by southern custom and charm.

In this solemn stomp through swamps and streets, Investigators step behind the city’s ornate facades to discover the sordid secrets of New Orleans’ past.

Call of Cthulhu is a game of horror and mystery-solving inspired by the cosmic horror fiction of pulp author H.P. Lovecraft. This scenario is suitable for new players, and the system will be taught at the table during play. Premade characters will be provided; maximum six players.


Gaymes Day RPGs

ROC LGBTQ Just Gaymes Day, March 7

Board Games

Join us to play your favorites! Learn some of the great games we have on demo, snag one from our library or bring your own! Post below if you’re bringing a game and want to get players in advance. If there’s a game you’ve always wanted to learn, also post that below and maybe someone can teach you! Check out the Facebook event to post about your favorites and plan for more, or check out the new games our staff will be showing off like Dungeon Drop!

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