Want a summary of the upcoming board game, card game, role-playing and miniatures gaming events at Just Games? Check out this broken out list of special events coming up in May and June.
1 Shadows Over Innistrad Game Day
7 Warhammer 40k Warp Wheel Tournament
14 PPTQ Honolulu + Painting Demo Day
15 Rochester UnPub Monthly Meeting
22 Malifaux Tournament, Noon-6 pm, 3 rounds, $10
28 D&D Epic : Escape from Waterford Part 3
29 Guild Ball Summer Kickoff + Last Sunday Legacy
11 Eternal Masters Release Draft
18 Free RPG Day
D&D Epic : Escape from Waterford Part 4
25 Board Game Swap & Sell
29 New Warmahordes Mk 3 release