Card Games Magic: the Gathering New Releases Store events

Wednesday Commander Nights: Bingo League

Love Commander, but tired of playing against the same decks your friends bring every day? Well here’s an excuse to knock the dust off those piles of cards you have and build some NEW decks. Throughout 2020, Just Games will be hosting the Commander Deckbuilding Challenge for Rochester from 6-9 pm each Wednesday. Come by any time, play at least one game, and unlock achievements on a “bingo” style grid. Rewards are boosters (or equivalent discount on singles the same night) or promo packs. $5 per week.

The league begins for the year on February 5!



Actions taken during games will unlock achievements. Achievements will be tracked on a 5 x 5 grid. Each row (across, down and diagonal) filled out completely during a league season will be worth 1 pack. Unlocking the whole grid will be worth a specific pack. Achievements for a given league season may differ slightly, according to the themes below. The central square of each grid will be to play with one of the Theme Commanders. A sample roster of some achievements (but not their arrangement on the score card!) is provided below:

  • Cast at least 4 spells in a single turn
  • Knock out 3 Players with Combat Damage (in one night)
  • Spend at least 15 mana on a single spell
  • Lose to Commander Damage
  • Have 50+ cards in your graveyard at once
  • Play with one of the monthly Theme options!


Monthly Themes

February – “Wizards, Shamans, and Knights, Oh My!” Commanders @ 6 CMC
  1. Firesong and Sunspeaker [4 RW]
  2. Izoni, Thousand-Eyed [2 BBGG]
March – “Beasts & Beings” Commanders @ 5 CMC
  1. Uril, the Miststalker [2 RGW] 5
  2. Korvold, Fae-Cursed King [2 BRG] 5
  3. Sidisi, Undead Vizier [3 BB] 5
  4. Surrak Dragonclaw [2 GBuR] 5
  5. Yarok, the Desecrated [2 BGBu] 5
  6. Roon of the Hidden Realm [2 GWBu] 5
April – “Mystery Commander”
  1. Build with exclusively cards from MTG Mystery Booster (Commander included!)
May – “Creature Crash” Commanders @ 3 CMC
  1. Horobi, Death’s Wail [2 BB] 3
  2. Teysa Karlov [2 WB] 3
  3. Ana the Foremost [WBG] 3
  4. Mirri Weatherlight [1 GW] 3
  5. Anax and Cymede [1 RW] 3
  6. Khalia, Zenith Seeker [RWB] 3
June – “Small Cost, Big Effect” – Commanders @ 2 CMC
  1. Gaddock Teeg [WG] 2
  2. Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun [BuW] 2
  3. Sygg, River Cutthroat [Bu/B Bu/B] 2
  4. Eight-and-a-Half-Tails [WW] 2
  5. Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim [WB] 2
  6. Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons [BG] 2
July – “Mono-Color Commanders”
  1. Anax, Hardened in the Forge [1RR] 3
  2. Omnath, Locus of Mana [2 G] (LINK to rulings regarding ability and resolution of mana) 3
  3. Sai, Master Thopterist [2 Bu] 3
  4. Bontu the Glorified  [2 B] 3
  5. Thalia, Heretic Cathar [2 W] 3
August – “Big Cost, Big Effect”
  1. Ghalta, Primal Hunger [10 GG] 12
  2. Chromium, the Mutable [4 WBuB] 7
  3. Karador, Ghost Chieftain [5 BGW] 8
  4. Borborygmos [3 RRGG] 7
  5. Chorus of the Conclave [4 GGWW] 8
  6. Damia, Sage of Stone [4 BGBu] 7
September – Guilds Theme (can’t pick, so ALL of them!)
  1. Azorius – Grand Arbiter Augustin IV [2 WBu]
  2. Dimir – Lazav, Dimir Mastermind [BuBuBB]
  3. Rakdos – Olivia Voldaren [2 BR]
  4. Gruul – Grand Warlord Radha [2 RG]
  5. Selesnya – Rhys the Redeemed [W/G]
  6. Orzhov – Aryel, Knight of Windgrace [2 WB]
  7. Izzet – Mizzix of the Izmagnus [2 BuR]
  8. Golgari – Meren of Clan Nel Toth [2 BG]
  9. Boros – Brion Stoutarm [2 RW]
  10. Simic – Rashmi, Eternities Crafter [2 GBu]
October – Uncommon Commanders
  1. Rona, Disciple of Gix [1 BuB]
  2. Garna, the Bloodflame [3BR]
  3. Grumgully, the Gernerous [1 RG]
  4. Shanna, Sisay’s Legacy [WG]
  5. Slimefoot, the Stowaway [1 BG]

November – Commander Legends

  1. Draft a Commander deck from Commander Legends
  2. Play with that deck!
  3. Easy

December – “Scourges & Enchanters” Commanders @ 4 CMC

  1. Rafiq of the Many    [1 GWBu] 4
  2. Jeleva, Nephalia’s Scourge [1 BuBR] 4
  3. Atraxa, Praetors’ Voice [GWBuB] 4
  4. Elsha of the Infinite [2 BuRW] 4
  5. Zur the Enchanter [1 WBuB] 4
  6. Kykar, Wind’s Fury [1 BuRW] 4
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