40K Age of Sigmar Classes Miniatures Star Wars Store events Warhammer

What’s going on for Miniatures?

Wow, folks, was 2019 busy for miniatures at Just Games! We heard you loud and clear; from new D&D Dungeon Masters, to folks returning to Age of Sigmar, to skirmish game lovers uniting around small tables, you love minis and want to see more! Here’s our schedule of events for the early months of 2020, just for you folks that love minis and painting!


Events that you can drop in and out of, that are one day long or ongoing leagues


Demo Days: Godtear
January 8, noon to 4pm

What’s going on for Miniatures?
Want to learn the awesome new game from the makers of Guild Ball? Check out Godtear, as Neil demos all afternoon! This game is pretty sweet if you’re a skirmish minis gamer, since you just need a $30 box to play, and team construction is easy; open the box. You’re done!

Read more on our Facebook event

Age of Sigmar Escalation League
Wednesday 6-9:30 pm
, Starts January 15

What’s going on for Miniatures?
Come in for our Age of Sigmar Winter Escalation League! We know a lot of you just got Start Collecting boxes for Christmas – here’s the deal; it’s cool that you got them, but we want to give you things to do with them! So every Wednesday, join us for games!

All the details are on the Facebook event, located here

40K Escalation League

Sundays, noon to 4pm, makeup games scheduled as needed

Starts January 12, as Kill Team League wraps up
What’s going on for Miniatures?
Come in for our Warhammer 40,000 Winter Escalation League! We’ve added almost $10,000 of 40K product this month to our shelves, and now we want to do something with it. Hey! Let’s paint it and play with it!

This league will be weekly, with make up games being scheduled as needed on other days of the week if you miss one. Also, this league will have a variable points cost. A minimum of 500 points, with points rising 500 every 3 weeks (so the horde players have time to do their thing).

Read details about awards for participation or being awesome with those paints here


Learn to paint and show off your work in a display contest

Painting Class – Goblins and Greenskin

Join our staff and Guest Painter Tristan Young as we teach you all about painting goblins! Tristan has many years painting experience, and will be present to answer questions, give tips, talk more advanced techniques and show you his work! Store staffer Neil will be on hand to teach you how to paint a sweet, angry, deadly, green little menace for your game!

Aspiring DMs and minis painters unite! We’ll show you how to quickly make a horde of green baddies! Class is January 12, from 1-4 pm
What’s going on for Miniatures?

Come in and learn how to paint! This time, we’ll be doing a full tutorial on GOBLINS – those greenskins that every game has and every adventurer battles as a kind of rite of passage! If you want your horde to stand out from the crowd, this is the class for you. You’ll get a highly detailed, pre-assembled and primed goblin model to paint, and you’ll learn methods to make other goblins and bones POP on your models. Perfect if you’re tired of gray plastic on your table, and perfect for beginners, kids and families too!

The class will go from 1 PM to 4 PM, and will include paint and brushes (though if you want to bring your own, that’s okay!) and we’ll have staff on hand to teach you exactly how to paint the above technique.

Register online, and stay tuned for February’s event – a painting “go back” creation class!

Winter Thaw Painting Contest

Got some skills? Want to show your work?
Enter our casual painting contest!

What’s going on for Miniatures?
Sometimes you’ve got a model you’re really, really proud of! This competition will have our local painters submitting a group of miniatures they’ve painted in a coherent theme, consisting of at least three miniatures with a maximum submission of 10, with base sizes no larger than 80mm per miniature. Models will not be judged individually, but as a per group basis. This can be anything from a warlord and his retinue, some nicely painted board game pieces, or a company of tanks! We do ask, that 28-32mm heroic vehicle units stay limited to 3 per submission.

Entry Fee: 5$ of product in store will get your model a spot in the case. Models can be submitted past the submission date. Over the course of the contest, customers will vote on their favorite in the case, with prizes for the most community votes, and one for the highest technical skill. One entry per person, and best of luck!

Prizes will be, of course, paint pots and the adoration of your new fans!

RSVP on Facebook


The store opens early to setup these more competitive events. Check the event details for more information



What’s going on for Miniatures?

Lists should be a maximum of 800pts, please make sure that your army also adheres to the army building rules in the Legion rules reference.
Army lists to be printed or written out to be given to the TO on arrival, 120 minute rounds.

Rough Schedule

  • Registration 10 am
    Round 1 start at 10:30 am
  • Top Cut 5pm
  • Finals 8 pm

Timings are given as guidelines only and subject to change as the day progresses, FFG rules update, or other unforeseen circumstances occur.

Preregister online and learn more 


What’s going on for Miniatures?

Join us for the first of our Warhammer 40K events of 2020 starting at 9:30 am on January 25.

2K ITC standard

Registration at 9:30 AM
3 round tournament, 2000 points
16 man (*assumed*)
$20 entry
Prizing in store credit determined by attendance

Early open at 9:30 am to accommodate setup and traveling players

Preregister online

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